Code to generate the groups, orbit sums, and diagonal expressions for the short step quadrant models with finite group.
Requirements: None
# Enter the short step sets defining quadrant models with finite group
N = (0,1); SS = (0,-1); E = (1,0); W = (-1,0);
NE = (1,1); NW = (-1,1); SE = (1,-1); SW = (-1,-1);
HS1 = [N,SS,E,W]
PD1 = [NE,NW,SS]
PD2 = [N,NW,NE,SS]
PD4 = [NE,NW,E,W,SS]
PD5 = [N,NW,NE,E,W,SS]
ND1 = [N,SE,SW]
ND2 = [N,SS,SE,SW]
ND4 = [N,E,W,SE,SW]
ND5 = [N,E,W,SS,SW,SE]
SP1 = [N,W,SE]
SP2 = [NW,SE,N,SS,E,W]
SP3 = [E,SE,W,NW]
ALG1 = [NE,W,SS]
ALG2 = [N,E,SW]
ALG4 = [NE,E,SW,W]
# Define functions to plot a step set, generate the group, orbit sum, and diagonal expression for a walk
# Plot a step set S
def plot_steps(S):
pt = sum([arrow((0,0),s) for s in S])
return pt
# Generate the group of a walk (up to a fixed number of elements)
def genGP(ST):
# Get the characteristic polynomial of the model
S = sum([X^i*Y^j for [i,j] in ST])
# Define the rational maps for the lattice path model
Am1 = S.coefficient(Y,-1); A0 = S.coefficient(Y,0); A1 = S.coefficient(Y,1)
Bm1 = S.coefficient(X,-1); B0 = S.coefficient(X,0); B1 = S.coefficient(X,1)
def Ψ(SS): return [L.subs(X=SS[0],Y=SS[1]).simplify() for L in [(1/X)*Bm1/B1,Y]]
def Φ(SS): return [L.subs(X=SS[0],Y=SS[1]).simplify() for L in [X,(1/Y)*Am1/A1]]
# Keep applying the maps until the set stabilizes or gets larger than a fixed bound
List = [ ([],[x,y]) ]
N = -1
while (N != len(List)) and (len(List) < 10):
N = len(List)
for i in List:
newI = true
newP = true
t2I = [k.simplify_full() for k in Ψ(i[1])]
t2P = [k.simplify_full() for k in Φ(i[1])]
for k in List:
if k[1] == t2I:
newI = false
if k[1] == t2P:
newP = false
if not (newI or newP):
if newI:
List = List + [(['Ψ'] + i[0],t2I)]
if newP:
List = List + [(['Φ'] + i[0],t2P)]
if len(List) >= 10:
if len(List) >= 10:
print("Warning: Group size is larger than test bound, and may be infinite")
return List
# Get orbit sum
def OrbitSum(ST):
K = 1-t*add([x^i*y^j for [i,j] in ST])
LST = genGP(ST)
# Sum the Kernel Equation after it's acted upon by the group elements
EQ = Kk*X*Y*Q(X,Y) == X*Y + F(Y) + G(X)
orb_eq = add([EQ.substitute(X=k[0],Y=k[1])*(-1)^len(i) for [i,k] in LST]).simplify()
# Return the right-hand side after dividing by the kernel
orb_sum = (orb_eq.rhs()/(K*x*y)).factor()
return orb_sum
# Convert orbit sum into rational diagonal expression
def RatDiag(ST):
return (OrbitSum(ST).subs(x=1/x,y=1/y,t=x*y*t)/(1-x)/(1-y)).factor()
# These examples deal with the step set {N,S,E,W}
ST = (N,SS,E,W)
show(plot_steps(ST),figsize=2, axes=false)
# The group of this model consists of the maps taking (x,y) -> (x^(+/-1), y^(+/-1))
[([], [x, y]), (['Ψ'], [1/x, y]), (['Φ'], [x, 1/y]), (['Φ', 'Ψ'], [1/x, 1/y])]
# Taking an orbit sum of the kernel equation gives the following identity
K = 1-t*add([x^i*y^j for [i,j] in ST])
LST = genGP(ST)
EQ = Kk*X*Y*Q(X,Y) == X*Y + t*Y*Q(0,y) + t*X*Q(x,0)
orb_eq = (add([(EQ.substitute(X=k[0],Y=k[1])*(-1)^len(i)/Kk).expand() for [i,k] in LST])).subs(Kk=K)
show(orb_eq.lhs() == orb_eq.rhs().factor())
# This gives the stated diagonal expression for the generating function. Using the RatDiag function above,
show("C(t) = ", LatexExpr("\\Delta{\\Big(}"), RatDiag(ST), LatexExpr("{\\Big)}"))
# Now we examine the group of Gessel's model
ST = [E,W,SW,NE]
show(plot_steps(ST),figsize=2, axes=false)
# As noted, the group contains the element (x,y) -> (x*y, 1/y) of odd order that fixes x*y
[([], [x, y]), (['Ψ'], [1/(x*y), y]), (['Φ'], [x, 1/(x^2*y)]), (['Φ', 'Ψ'], [1/(x*y), x^2*y]), (['Ψ', 'Φ'], [x*y, 1/(x^2*y)]), (['Ψ', 'Φ', 'Ψ'], [1/x, x^2*y]), (['Φ', 'Ψ', 'Φ'], [x*y, 1/y]), (['Φ', 'Ψ', 'Φ', 'Ψ'], [1/x, 1/y])]
# This implies an orbit sum of zero
K = 1-t*add([x^i*y^j for [i,j] in ST])
LST = genGP(ST)
EQ = Kk*X*Y*Q(X,Y) == X*Y + t*Y*Q(0,y) + t*X*Q(x,0)
orb_eq = (add([(EQ.substitute(X=k[0],Y=k[1])*(-1)^len(i)/Kk).expand() for [i,k] in LST])).subs(Kk=K)
show(orb_eq.lhs() == orb_eq.rhs().factor())
Separated into the families studied in Chapters 4, 6, and 10
# Highly symmetric models
for k in [HS1,HS2,HS3,HS4]:
print("The generating function for the step set")
show(plot_steps(k), figsize=2, axes=false)
print("is the main power series diagonal of")
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
# Postive drift models
for k in [PD1,PD2,PD3,PD4,PD5,PD6]:
print("The generating function for the step set")
show(plot_steps(k), figsize=2, axes=false)
print("is the main power series diagonal of")
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
# Negative drift models
for k in [ND1,ND2,ND3,ND4,ND5,ND6]:
print("The generating function for the step set")
show(plot_steps(k), figsize=2, axes=false)
print("is the main power series diagonal of")
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
for k in [SP1,SP2,SP3]:
print("The generating function for the step set")
show(plot_steps(k), figsize=2, axes=false)
print("is the main power series diagonal of")
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of
The generating function for the step set
is the main power series diagonal of